callBackPrivate ds.l 1 ; offset: $8 (8) ; Private data for the call-back routine
templatePrivate ds.l 1 ; offset: $C (12) ; Private storage for use by code resource (stays for life of code resource, common to all invocations of code resource)
callBackPrivate ds.l 1 ; offset: $8 (8) ; Private data for the call-back routine
templatePrivate ds.l 1 ; offset: $C (12) ; Private storage for use by code resource (stays for life of code resource, common to all invocations of code resource)
sizeof EQU * ; size: $10 (16)
DETInstanceInitBlock RECORD 0
reqFunction ds.l 1 ; offset: $0 (0) ; Requested function
callBackPrivate ds.l 1 ; offset: $8 (8) ; Private data for the call-back routine
templatePrivate ds.l 1 ; offset: $C (12) ; Private storage for use by code resource (stays for life of code resource, common to all invocations of code resource)
parent ds.l 1 ; offset: $10 (16) ; -> The object within which the creation will occur
refNum ds.w 1 ; offset: $14 (20) ; -> Refnum for returned address (DSSpecs in PDs only)
identity ds.l 1 ; offset: $16 (22) ; -> The identity we're browsing as in the parent object
attrType ds AttributeType ; offset: $1A (26) ; <-> The type of the attribute being created
attrTag ds.l 1 ; offset: $3E (62) ; <-> The tag of the attribute being created
value ds.l 1 ; offset: $42 (66) ; <-> The value to write (pre-allocated, resize as needed)
sizeof EQU * ; size: $46 (70)
DETAttributeNewBlock RECORD 0
reqFunction ds.l 1 ; offset: $0 (0) ; Requested function
callBackPrivate ds.l 1 ; offset: $8 (8) ; Private data for the call-back routine
templatePrivate ds.l 1 ; offset: $C (12) ; Private storage for use by code resource (stays for life of code resource, common to all invocations of code resource)
forwarders ds.l 1 ; offset: $10 (16) ; <- List of forwaders
sizeof EQU * ; size: $14 (20)
DETDynamicResourceBlock RECORD 0
reqFunction ds.l 1 ; offset: $0 (0) ; Requested function